Friday, August 10, 2012

Yesterday we made memories. Jamee took Brevin to "work with him" and nearly an hour past their exit, Brevin realized that they were well past the normal 40 minute drive. Jamee broke the news that he was surprising him with a day out at the ballpark. I wish I could have been in the car to see his expression but from what I hear he was pretty excited. Jamee had packed his Tigers jersey and ball glove and the two of them sat in the rain and watched the Tigers lose to the Yankees. Despite the rain, despite the cold, and despite the loss I could tell it was a truly memorable and exciting day for them. Meanwhile, after enduring a summer long of temps exceeding 90 degrees, Laney and I happily donned sweatpants and sweatshirts, pulled out the coloring books, popped in a movie and ordered pizza! What a great evening at home

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summertime and the living's easy...

Time is a flying... I just went through my much neglected blog, word for word, and realized how much I need to continue to post on here. I truly enjoy reading about our adventures a few years ago. Some day I hope my children can look back on this and read about how profound their arrival was in our lives. We are still busy! I watch how physically busy my sister is with the twins (2 years) and her new baby (Asher Cassady McCrory - and yes, he is named after my little family) and I am a little bit envious of her. Not of the getting up at night, and the constant struggle to make sure Hudson isn't taking something apart, and breaking up twin fights, but the time she has to spend at home. Family time is so abundant when they are little. It seems like we are constantly running in so many directions lately that we need to take a moment to just "be." Brevin is still very active in sports. Thank goodness he didn't get my coordination. We have the entire month of July off though! We just finished up baseball season in June and will start football in August. Baseball went great as did basketball before it. Watching him grow and mature in the athletic arena is both frustrating and rewarding. He has a competitive nature that is wildly unbridled..."Bet I can get my pj's on before you...Bet I can eat more pizza than you...Bet I can beat you to the car..." It is constant but his sportsmanship is improving every month and we work very hard to make him understand the importance of his actions both on and off the field/court. This next statement is a bit cliche, and makes me feel like a pull-string Barbie but "PARENTING IS HARD!" Last night, as the boys settled in to watch the All-Star Baseball game, I looked at my husband and son and realized we don't have too many of these All-Star games left together. Brevin is persistently headed towards 12 years of age, and I imagine at about 15 or 16 he won't be as enthusiastic to sit down with Dad and watch it. While it makes me said (and a little panicked) I'm so thankful God blessed us with such a kind, thoughtful child. Laney is my little firecracker! She is full of joy and love. She is always up for a challenge and so excited to try new things (unless it's food which she is still sticking to the chicken nugget-mac-n-cheese-pizza-apple-diet. She's a bean pole and growing like a weed so I suppose I keep offering and maybe one day she'll actually eat a vegetable, but in the meantime, I'm not going to worry too much about it. Suzie, as I like to call her, came home the end of the school year with a letter from the principal. This is basically every parent's worst nightmare, so you can imagine my relief when I read the first sentence: "Congratulations!" She was awarded the Good Citizen of the Year award for her grade. We were invited to a dinner and awards presentation all in her honor. I was bursting with pride. Much like her brother wasn't blessed with my coordination, it appears she wasn't blessed with my attitude! Thank-you Jesus! Laney finished up softball in June (her favorite position is catcher despite my best efforts to sway her toward pitching) and man can she hit the ball when she wants to. She starts up cheer in the next few weeks so we'll be running between Football practice, Youth Cheer and my coaching duties for Varsity Cheer. As much as I try to slow time, it just seems to speed up. I guess I'm going to buckle up and enjoy the ride for now, and try not to blink too much...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter is here

Well, after reading my last post (nearly 6 months ago) it put me in a bit of a funk! It appears we were enjoying a beautiful summer. Now, we are smack dab in the middle of winter and the frigid air, and snow dusting outside is bringing me down a bit!

Fall came and went quickly this year! The kids did great in their first half of the school year. I continue to be amazed at how much they learn, and how fast they learn it. I was quizzing Brevin on the skeletal system this morning for his oral quiz at school. While it is only the major bones of the body, I don't remember touching on anatomy until high school, let alone 4th grade! Delaney has developed a love for reading, and her scores are showing it! She reads every night before bed (just like her mommy) and even though she is only a first grader, her reading level is testing at that of a 3rd grader! I'm so proud of the effort my little ones put into their school work. Now, if we can get them to focus that effort on keeping their rooms clean and being nice to eachother we will be in perfect harmony!!!!

Brevin finished another successful (and injury free) football season. Last year, he played with all 3rd grade, but this year the 4th and 5th graders played together so he had to adjust to the fact that the 5th graders were bigger, faster, and stronger. Last year, he was a running back and defensive back, and played both ways nearly every play. This year, he was able to start on offense as the split end, but didn't get to play a ton of defense. He was able to catch quite a few nice passes, thanks to his "new gloves" and some great throwing by our young, 5th grade QB. He even capitalized twice on those passes for a pair of TD's. I love watching him score, but it is even more rewarding to see him excited for his teammates as they put points on the board. Jamee was the head coach for another great season and the boys finished it out 6-1, and the one heartbreaking loss was a close one! Couldn't have been prouder of those little guys.

Laney decided she wanted to take a tumbling class this fall. The year started out strong and she was LOVING it, but as time wore on, she was getting headaches and stomach aches after every class (they spent a lot of time in back bends and standing on their heads). Normally, we wouldn't let the kids "quit" anything they started, but after 2 months, it wasn't getting better and we let her throw in the towel. I started helping with the JV and Varsity Cheer teams at our high school and she has enjoyed being the "manager" for the girls. She even got her own little Pirate cheer uniform. She was so excited to wear it to that first game, but now refuses to wear it to the basketball games because she is "embarrassed." She certainly didn't get the "shy" gene from me!!! She loves shooting the ball around with her brother and going to open gym, and she asked her Aunt Lindsay if she would teach her how to pitch this summer. While I love to cultivate the "girly" side of her, I'm excited to have a little girl that loves sports too. I love that she paints her finger and toenails, wears bows in her hair, loves the color pink, and plays with dolls, but is a strong little thing that can play just as hard as the boys! I can't wait to see how she develops into a young lady.

Well, as it's January, basketball season is here! Jamee was blessed to have another opportunity to help coach our boys varsity team, and they are looking pretty good again this year. Looking forward to another successful post-season run. As I said before, I'm helping out with our school's cheer program. It's been a lot of fun so far, and I'm very excited to be a part of it. Can't wait to see what 2011 will bring...

Monday, July 12, 2010

5 months, really?

I can't believe it has been 5 months since my last update. It was literally winter the last time I wrote! We are now smack dab in the middle of one of the hottest summers I can remember for a long time, and while I hear so many complaining of the hot, humid weather, I'm LOVING it. Of course I have central air so I have a respite but I'll take hot and humid over snow and ice any day!

Jamee, the kids, and I jetted up north for the weekend to spend some time with friends at their cottage. We had such a relaxing time just playing cards, sitting by the fire and making smores, playing ladder ball and watching the kids dance their little hearts out. I truly LOVE Michigan summers (if you haven't noticed). Unfortunately, we came home to a mess. UGH! Apparently there was a small storm during our two nights away and our outdoor glass top bar was shattered into a million pieces and the umbrella bent in half. Oh well, I guess it's just "things," but I can't help but be a little bummed. Lesson learned: don't forget to take the umbrella down when leaving for the night!

Baseball season came and went and Brevin's team did great. They ended the season in 2nd place and lost in the second round of tournament play. I remember wrapping up in blankets last summer to watch him play which was definitely NOT necessary this year. Wednesday we play eachother in the Mother vs. Sons game and we've been picking on eachother all last week, so the Mom's better win or I'm in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!

Last but not least, I'm "between jobs" at the moment. I'm looking forward to finding a new job, but I'm also thoroughly enjoying my time home with the kids this summer. I haven't had a break like this since I was in high school and although I realize that is how it is for grown-ups, I'm trying to make the best out of a bummer situation! In the meantime, I've begun to fulfill my childhood dream of starting my own photography company. I've done a wedding and I have some senior portrait sessions coming up and I've had great feedback so far, so this is a great time in all our lives.

The pics are from our outing to Potter Park this year. Lin and the twins joined us and we had a blast but were all very exhausted at the end of the day. I thought Lin was going to have a stroke watching the peacocks stalk us during our lunch break. The peacocks are obviously fed by visitors at Potter Park.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Busy Bees

It's been much too long since my last post, but it just seems like time is slipping away so quickly these days, so I thought I'd do a quick update of the past 6ish months or so...

Brevin finished up his first season of rocket football this fall. It was so adorable (and slightly nerve-wracking) to watch those little guys run around in football gear. It seems football is just genetically engraved those little wee-wads because they sure seemed to know what they were doing. Since Daddy was the head coach, he was able to get some extra practice in on the side which was nice for him. He ended the season with quite a few yards rushing, a few receptions, 4 touch downs, and a 2 point conversion (oh, and I shouldn't forget the tackles too). I was a proud mama to say the least. School is going very well and he is learning SO much this year! He is a manager for the Varsity Boys Basketball team this winter and has spent a lot of time on the road with the team, but it has been a great learning experience for him, and I've watched him grow up and mature so much.

Laneybug is growing like a weed! I can't keep pants that are long enough on her little legs! During Brevin's football season, Laney had her second season in soccer. She is much more interested in playing than hugging this year, but the hugging is still pretty prominent! She just loves the socialization of soccer, and her aggressiveness on the field is still "developing." She has been such a fun companion for me this past year. She loves the color pink, shopping with mommy (and grandma) and adores princesses. She started the AR reading program in school and is progressing in her reading skills at an astounding rate! Again, I have to play the proud mommy card!

Jamee and I have managed to stay on top of our busy schedules and still spend time with family and friends. I was able to pick up a flex schedule at work so I only have to spend 4 days at work, which has been great for us. I'll be starting my master's classes this spring but it will be at a much more relaxed pace than before and I'm really looking forward to beginning (and ending). Jamee is still driving many miles to work for the furniture company, but we're are just very appreciative that he has work at all. He is staying extremely busy as an assistant coach for the boy's Varsity Basketball team, but it has been very rewarding for him, and I'm very proud of the work he is doing. It has also brought many new people into our lives that I truly believe will be good friends for many years...

Til Next Time

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I decided it was time to get active again. Jamee has always been involved in sports whether it be golf, basketball, or just plain running. I, on the other hand, have tried my best to refrain from anything that will increase the chance of showcasing my innate clumsiness. It's really more safe for myself and those around me. This week however, I decided to throw the past ten years of avoidance out the window and get my feet moving again, and boy did I jump in with both feet!

It started with golf on Sunday. Our church organized a doubles scramble, best ball and I was paired with a gentleman that did quite well. Together, playing best ball, we recorded a 36. I was thrilled with it. I hit the ball great and felt completely at ease. No pain. The next morning I woke up and I felt a little tightness in my shoulders but just figured I slept funny. So, Monday night we started the co-ed volleyball league. I had a blast and surprised myself with my lack of falling, tripping, and getting hurt! I'm definitely not ready for the Olympics, but I don't think I embarrassed myself too much. The next morning, the "tightness" turned into just plain OWW! My shoulders hurt, my wrists hurt, my knees hurt and I had two bruised forearms. I guess I didn't learn my lesson because I talked Jamee into playing tennis that evening. I lost 6 sets to 3 sets. No big surprise since I haven't beat Jamee once in our 12 years of togetherness. The pain was just compounded the next morning and my body was screaming out loud for a break. I took a couple Motrin and didn't do anything for two days. I was so rested in fact that I jumped on board when we had the opportunity to kayak down the Chippewa on Saturday. After 4 and 1/2 hours of rowing, one minor tipping, and a rain storm we ended up on shore...

Today, my shoulders feel as though I'm 90 years old and my knees must have something ripped or pulled in them. My back is stuck in one position and I have a bruise/bump the size of a golf ball on my thigh. I have a minor poison ivy reaction going on that had something to do with using the "restroom" half way through our kayaking adventure, and I'm certain one of my two wrists are broken. I'm a mess. The silly, sad part is that I'm going to start doing it all over again tomorrow night. Volleyball here I come!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Prayers needed...

My little sister Lindsay is pregnant with what is believed to be identical twin boys. She has done an amazing job with all that has been put on her plate these past 3 years. After suffering a miscarriage, she was blessed to find out (nearly 7 months ago) that she was pregnant. Then a few months later we were even more surprised to find out that she was having two boys and they seem to be identical! Her and the hubby have picked out the perfect names...Hudson Leon and Koen Alexander and now we are anxiously awaiting the boys. She has researched every twin site out there and registered for the most efficient baby gear available for a mother of multiples. Our entire family is bursting with joy...

Tonight Lin is in the hospital at 27 weeks in labor. I can relate to the feelings of excitement, worry, and downright terror she is experiencing as I went into labor with my first baby at 27 weeks. Thankfully, they were able to stop my contractions. She is in the hospital fighting for the same thing right now. Each baby is just over 2 pounds and both need to "cook" just a little bit longer. The message I've received is that the contractions have slowed but her cervix is softened so there is some concern still. They are going to keep her for 2 days for certain and possibly longer if necessary. If there is anything I've learned in my short life, it is the power of prayer. Please keep Lindsay, Alex, Koen and Hudson in your prayers and ask God to watch over and protect them. Only He knows the master plan and we can only pray that he keeps the boys healthy and Lin safe. Thanks to everyone.